Trezor® Hardware® - Wallet

The official wallet - Trezor® Hardware® Wallet® GitBook. An update for Trezor Suite (version 22.9.3) is now ready to install. To download and apply …

Trezor and KeepKey are similar in functionality, but Trezor generally has more advanced features and better customer support.

User Reviews and Community Feedback

What Users Love About Trezor

Users appreciate Trezor's robust security features, user-friendly interface, and excellent customer support.

Common Criticisms

Some users find the price of Trezor models to be a bit high. However, the security and peace of mind it offers often justify the cost.


In summary, the Trezor Wallet stands out as a top-tier hardware wallet. Its combination of security, ease of use, and compatibility with a wide range of cryptocurrencies makes it an excellent choice for anyone looking to safeguard their digital assets. Whether you're a seasoned crypto investor or just starting, Trezor Wallet is a reliable and secure option.

Last updated